Being able to Email reports from your ViViPOS terminal is a handy tool when you want to send them to your Book Keeper, Accountant or Head Office
ViViPOS allows you to set-up an outgoing email address and a template to direct reports to a 3rd party address as well as a CC to yourself.
You can also nominate the Subject Header Prefix (the rest will be the Report Title and date-stamp) and the default Message text.
For the SMTP setttings, you will need to refer to your email service providers (SMTP Host, SMTP Port, SMTP Username and SMTP Password)
If you wish to send the reports to multiple recipient, use a semicolon to separate multiple email recipients. eg.; in the Recipient field if you wish to send email reports to 2 different recipients.
For emailing reports with a GMAIL account,ensure that you have allowed less secure apps access to the account. For more information refer here for more information.
Control Panel
Select the 'Email Report Settings' icon
to enter the Email Report Settings Area
Simply fill in the fields as indicated above using your own email settings provided by you ISP