Network Services

Network Services

Main Screen 

Control Panel

Select 'Tools' icon
to enter the Control Panel

Select the 'Network Services' icon
to enter the Network Services Area



Network Services



Synchronization Settings Screen: This screen is use to configure synchronization related parameters in a networked (LAN or WAN) and clustered environment as illustrated below:

Protocol Settings: This screen is use to set the communication protocol and parameters (currently only protocol supported is http), as illustrated below:

Enable Synchronization: Enable this option to use data synchronization. Synchronization Server Host name or IP: Enter the master IP here(if you set it to localhost, it's equivalent to not activate the synchronization service).

Terminal Number: Can configure your own terminal number, only alphanumeric number can be used, and must be set to a unique value if the machine is to be used in a networked environment.

Password: In a synchronized environment, all the password need to be set the same for all the terminals in the network.

Synchronization internal (second): You can configure the synchronization time and its strongly recommend it to set it above 60 seconds. The system minimum value allowed is 30 second.

Start Hour: Synchronization starting time, use 24 hours time system and value allowed are ((0~23).

End Hour: Synchronization end time, use 24 hours time system and value allowed are ((0~23).

It's recommend to use unique value when setting Terminal Number in a networked environment.

Port: Set the port use for networking.

Batch Size: Set the maximum order transaction data count in synchronization ( e.g. if set to 500, and the synchronization info is 600, then it will be break down to smaller size and translated one at a time.)

Error Retires: You can set the number of time the system will retry when connection can not be established.

Timeout (seconds): When connected time exceed the time out, the system will flag the
communication as failed.

Number of day to retain sync log: Can set the maximum number of days for synchronization data. e.g. if the data is order then set in this date, it will not be transmitted.

Connection Status: Network Status Icon location

= Suspended Connection 
= Connection Error
= Connection Normal



Cluster Services Screen


Order Sequence / Check Number Services: This service assigns order sequence and check numbers for a cluster of terminals. Please enter the hostname or IP address of the server, or localhost if the service is not needed.

Sale Period Service: This service controls the sale period for a cluster of terminals. Please enter the hostname or IP address of the server or localhost if the service is not needed.

Advance Sale Period after Closing: When the "Sale Period Service" host is configured to be a remote machine but is not used to perform end of sale period operation. (The system allows the machine to dish out the sale period, to be different from the machine that performs end sale period operation in a clustered environment. E.g The end of sale period operation is done on this machine. Then enable this option on the machine that is used to perform end of sale period. If this option is enabled, the local machine will NOT automatically move to the next sale period in a clustered environment, but rather notify the host server to advance the end of sale period.

Table Service: This service provides the table status, store and recall orders, queue orders for a cluster of terminals. Please enter the hostname or IP address of the server, or localhost.
Recommend using the same host as synchronization server for realtime orders processing.

Stock Control Service: This service provides real-time stock control. Please enter the hostname or
IP address of the server, or localhost if the service is no needed.
Network Time Service: This service synchronization time across a cluster of terminals. Please enter the hostname or IP address of the server or localhost if the service is not needed.

*Regarding Advance Sale Period after Closing, the sale period machine will notify the master
server when end sale period operation is conducted, and advance the sale period, next time
the machine is logged on.