Function Panel Key Mapping

Function Panel Key Mapping

The Function Panel Configuration module lets you:

                        • configure the layout and number of the panels/pages
                        • change the look 'n' feel of the buttons
                        • Map the function each button performs

This section deals specifically with the functions for each button

Below is a list of functions, what they do and how to configure their parameters.
(note it is a good idea to practice mapping buttons on a spare page on your ViViPOS to make sure they do what you want BEFORE changing your current panels.


Access Control Panel

  •  This function allows the operator to access the control panel for further configurations of this terminal. No parameter is needed.

Add Annotations

  • This function is used to add and/or view annotations. Annotations are most often used to allow the user to enter customer data or special messages to be printed on receipts or checks. The parameter may be set to a pre-defined annotation code, in which case the user will be prompted to enter the annotation text for that annotation code. If the parameter is left blank, all annotations for the current order are listed, and the user may add, edit, or delete annotations per his/her access privileges.

Add Condiment

  • This function registers one or more condiments given by the function parameter against a product. The condiments do not need to be explicitly linked to the product. The parameter field should contain a comma-separated list of condiment name - price tuples. Condiment name and price should be separated by a '|' symbol in each tuple.

Add Linked Condiment

  • This function registers one or more condiments against a product from condiment groups linked to that product. The parameter field must be empty.

Add Memo

  • This function adds an open memo to an item in the cart. The memo may also be preset in the parameter field. The preset message can either be a text string or an annotation code. If an annotation code is given, the annotation text will be used to generate a list of preset messages that the user can choose from. If the annotation text is empty, then the annotation type is used as the preset message instead.

Cancel Order

  • This function cancels the current open order in shopping cart. This function can not be applied to stored order and completed order. If operator intends to delete stored order or completed order, please refer to 'Void Sale' function. No parameter is needed.

Cart Product Variation

  • This function switches the product in the shopping cart to its linked variations. The parameter field must be empty. Usage of the function is to select the product with linked variations in the shopping cart first, and then click this function button. A screen will pop-up for the selection of product variations afterward.


  • This function registers a cash payment. The parameter field may contain up to 3 optional, comma-separated arguments. The first argument is a preset tender amount, the second argument is the 'finalize' flag, and the third and last argument is the 'groupable' flag. If the preset amount is set to '0', the user is required to enter a tender amount. If no preset is programmed, the tender amount is read from the input line. If the input line is also blank, a quick cash payment is registered. The 'finalize' flag controls whether this function finalizes the order when the tender amount equals or exceeds the balance due; this flag is effective only when the global 'Disable auto-finalization on payment' option is active.The 'groupable' flag should be set to '1' if this payment type/amount combination is to be tracked (non-zero preset amount must be specified).

Cash Calculator

  • This function is used to bring up a cash counting calculator. No parameter is needed.

Cash Drawer # 1

  • This function opens cash drawer #1. The parameter field must be empty.

Cash Drawer # 2

  • This function opens cash drawer #2. The parameter field must be empty.

Change User Password

  • This function is used to change current logined user password.


  • This function registers a check payment. The parameter field may contain up to 4 optional, comma-separated arguments. The first argument is the check sub-type; the second argument is a preset tender amount, the third argument is the silent flag, and the fourth and last argument is the 'finalize' flag. Sub-type is used for differentiate between different possible check types. If the preset amount is set to '0', the user is required to enter a tender amount. If no preset is programmed, the tender amount is read from the input line  If the input line is also blank, a quick check payment is registered. Normally the user will be prompted to confirm the payment; if the silent flag is set to '1', the confirmation screen will be skipped.The 'finalize' flag controls whether this function finalizes the order when the tender amount equals or exceeds the balance due; this flag is effective only when the global 'Disable auto-finalization on payment' option is active.


  • This function clears the input line. The parameter field must not be altered.

Clock In / Out

  • This function allows the operator to bring up the clock in / out screen. No parameter is needed.


  • This function registers a coupon payment. The parameter field may contain up to 5 optional, comma-separated arguments. The first argument is the coupon sub-type, the second argument is a preset tender amount, the third argument is the 'silent' flag, the fourth argument is the 'finalize' flag, and the fifth and last argument is the 'groupable' flag. Sub-type is used for differentiate between different possible coupon types. If the preset amount is set to '0', the user is required to enter a tender amount. If no preset is programmed, the tender amount is read from the input line  If the input line is also blank, a quick coupon payment is registered. Normally the user will be prompted to confirm the payment; if the silent flag is set to '1', the confirmation screen will be skipped.The 'finalize' flag controls whether this function finalizes the order when the tender amount equals or exceeds the balance due; this flag is effective only when the global 'Disable auto-finalization on payment' option is active. The 'groupable' flag should be set to '1' if this payment type/amount combination is to be tracked (non-zero preset amount must be specified).

Credit Card 

  • This function registers a credit card payment. The parameter field may contain up to 4 optional, comma-separated arguments. The first argument is the credit card sub-type, the second argument is a preset tender amount, the third argument is the 'silent' flag, and the fourth and last argument is the 'finalize' flag. Sub-type should be set to the credit card type such as VISA, MasterCard, etc. If the preset amount is set to '0', the user is required to enter a tender amount. If no preset is programmed, the tender amount is read from the input line. If the input line is also blank, a quick credit card payment is registered. Normally the user will be prompted to confirm the payment; if the silent flag is set to '1', the confirmation screen will be skipped. The 'finalize' flag controls whether this function finalizes the order when the tender amount equals or exceeds the balance due; this flag is effective only when the global 'Disable auto-finalization on payment' option is active.

Currency Exchange

  • This function registers a currency conversion. The parameter field may contain up to 4 optional, comma-separated arguments. The first argument is the foreign currency code representing the foreign currency to convert from, the second argument is a preset tender amount, the third argument is the 'finalize' flag, and the fourth and last argument is the 'groupable' flag. If no preset is programmed, the tender amount is read from the input line. The 'finalize' flag controls whether this function finalizes the order when the tender amount equals or exceeds the balance due; this flag is effective only when the global 'Disable auto-finalization on payment' option is active. The 'groupable' flag should be set to '1' if this payment type/amount combination is to be tracked (non-zero preset amount must be specified).

Discount Amount ( - ) 

  • This function registers a reduction. The parameter field can take up to 5 optional, comma-delimited parameters. The first parameter is used to program a preset discount amount; the second parameter provides a label for the discount; set the third parameter to 1 to exclude condiments from subtotal discount; set the fourth parameter to 1 to exclude non-discountable items from subtotal discount; and set the fifth parameter to 1 to exclude payments from subtotal discount.

Discount Coupon 

  • This function registers a reduction. The parameter field can take up to 4 optional, comma-delimited parameters. The first parameter is used to program a preset discount coupon amount; the second parameter provides a label for the discount coupon; set the third parameter to 1 to exclude condiments from discount; set the fourth parameter to 1 to exclude non-discountable items from discount.

Discount Percentage (-%) 

  • This function registers a percentage-based discount. The parameter field can take up to 5 optional, comma-delimited parameters. The first parameter is used to program a preset percentage; the second parameter provides a label for the discount; set the third parameter to 1 to exclude condiments from the discount; set the fourth parameter to 1 to exclude non-discountable items from subtotal discounts; and set the fifth parameter to 1 to compute discount amount based on balance before payments are applied.


  • This function should only be operated by system engineer for testing purpose. General user should not operate this function. This function dispatches a command to a controller. The parameter field should be a comma-separated list of arguments, with the first argument being the command name, the second argument the data to pass to the command, and the third argument the controller handling the command.


  • This function simulates pressing the 'Enter' key. The parameter field must not be altered.

Gift Card 

  • This function registers a giftcard payment. A giftcard payment is similar to a coupon payment, except that no change is given on a giftcard payment. The parameter field may contain up to 5 optional, comma-separated arguments. The first argument is the giftcard sub-type, the second argument is a preset tender amount, the third argument is the 'silent' flag, the fourth argument is the 'finalize' flag, and the fifth and last argument is the 'groupable' flag. Sub-type is used for differentiate between different possible giftcard types. If the preset amount is set to '0', the user is required to enter a tender amount. If no preset is programmed, the tender amount is read from the input line. If the input line is also blank, a quick giftcard payment is registered. Normally the user will be prompted to confirm the payment; if the silent flag is set to '1', the confirmation screen will be skipped.The 'finalize' flag controls whether this function finalizes the order when the tender amount equals or exceeds the balance due; this flag is effective only when the global 'Disable auto-finalization on payment' option is active. The 'groupable' flag should be set to '1' if this payment type/amount combination is to be tracked (non-zero preset amount must be specified).

Home Page

  • This function scrolls the function panel to the home page

House BON

  • This function marks the current item as 'on-the-house'. The parameter, if specified, will be used to register the discount.

Issue Check 

  • This function issues a check. The parameter should be a number indicating the check printer which is enabled to issue the check on. For example, if 3 is input in the parameter field, when user clicks this function button, a check will be printed on Check Printer 3 accordingly (make sure Check Printer 3 is enabled). If no parameter is given in the parameter field, the check will be printed on all enabled check printers.

Issue Check Copy 

  • This function issues a check copy. The parameter should be a number indicating the check printer which is enabled to issue the check copy on. For example, if 3 is input in the parameter field, when user clicks this function button, a check copy will be printed on Check Printer 3 accordingly (make sure Check Printer 3 is enabled). If no parameter is given in the parameter field, the check copy will be printed on all enabled check printers.

Issue Receipt 

  • This function issues a post-finalization receipt. The parameter should be 1 or 2, indicating the printer to issue the receipt on. If no parameter is given, the receipt will be printed on all enabled receipt printers.

Issue Receipt Copy 

  • This function issues a copy of post-finalization receipt. The parameter should be 1 or 2, indicating the printer to issue the receipt on. If no parameter is given, the receipt will be printed on all enabled receipt printers.

Jump to Page 

  • This function scrolls the function panel to the page indicated in the parameter field

Key Press 

  • This function simulates a series of key presses. The parameter field contains the string of key characters to press.

Label Item 

  • This function assigns a label to a selected item in shopping cart. The parameter field may be empty to remove the existing label. A label may be read from the input line to override the default label. One common application of this function for a restaurant is to designate a course number on each item so that kitchen staff could prepare each course in proper order.

Ledger Entry 

  • This function is used to enter an entry into the ledger. The parameter may be used to program an ledger entry type and a receipt device number (separated by commas). If the receipt device number is not given, no ledger receipt will be issued.

Mass Discount Percentage (x-%) 

  • This function registers a percentage-based discount to every cart item that is discountable. The parameter field can be used to program a preset percentage and label (separated by comma.) If no preset percentage is programmed, the discount percentage is read from the input line.

Mass Surcharge Percentage (x+%) 

  • This function registers a percentage-based surcharge to every cart item that is surchargeable. The parameter field can be used to program a preset percentage and label (separated by comma.) If no preset percentage is programmed, the surcharge percentage is read from the input line.


  • This function is used to search for and enter customer membership information. The parameter may be set to the string 'true' if new membership is to be created no existing membership is found.

Merge Stored Checks 

  • This function allows operator to merge checks by recalling previously stored check. The operator should recall a previously stored check first, then input a check number and click this funcion button, the checks will be merged automatically. If the operator does not input a check number to merge, a screen will pop-up for the selection of stored checks. The parameter field must be empty.

Modify Item 

  • This function allows the operator to modify the price or quantity of a registered item in an open order. No parameter is needed.

New Check 

  • This function assigns a new check number to an order. If the operator input a number first, then click this funcion button, the new check number will be the same as operator's input. If the operator click this function button directly, a new check number will be generated automatically. The parameter field must be empty.

New Table 

  • This function assigns a new table number to an order. If the operator input a number first, then click this funcion button, the new table number will be the same as cashier's input. If the operator click this function button directly, a screen of table map will pop-up for table selection. Table number can be duplicated. The parameter field must be empty.

Number of Guests 

  • This function allows the operator to register the number of guest. The parameter field must be empty.

Open Control Panel 

  • This function allows operator to open a specific function in Control Panel for further configuration. The parameter field must input the name of the specific function which operator intends to access in Control Panel. For example, if the parameter field is set as 'Promotion Manager', when operator clicks this function button, Promotion Manager screen will pop-up for further configuration.

Open Report 

  • This function allows operator to open a specific report. The first parameter must be the name of the specific report which operator intends to open. The second parameter could be blank, or, could be set as query strings which specify the conditions of the specific report. (note: query strings should only be written by advanced engineers)

Open ViViConnect Control Panel

  • This function allows operator to open a specific control panel .

Pre-Finalize Order 

  • This function closes the current order in order for finalization. As part of pre-finalization, the order is closed pending payment of the balance. The same set of post-finalization receipts, slips, and checks will be automatically printed. The parameter field may optional contain a destination. When destination is given, the order will be validated against it.

Prepare Guest Check

  • This function prepares and optionally prints a guest check. To issue a guest check, the parameter should be a number indicating the check printer which is enabled to issue the guest check on. For example, if 3 is input in the parameter field, when user clicks this function button, a guest check will be printed on Check Printer 3 accordingly (make sure Check Printer 3 is enabled). If no parameter is given, no guest check will be printed.

Print Document 

  • This function prints a document on a designated check printer. The parameter must be set to a number indicating the check printer which is enabled to print the document on. For example, if 3 is input in the parameter field, when user clicks this function button, a document will be printed on Check Printer 3 accordingly (make sure Check Printer 3 is enabled).

Printer Dashboard 

  • This function allows the operator to quickly view and change the status of enabled devices. No parameter is needed.

Product Search 

  • This function allows the operator to perform a Product search. If a parameter ' true ' is input in the field, the user may add a product to the cart directly from the search results.

Queue Order 

  • This function queues the current order and readies the register for a new order. No parameter is needed.

Quick User Switch 

  • This function allows the current user to enter a password and quickly switch to the user identified by that password. No parameter is needed.

Reboot Terminal 

  • This function reboots the terminal. No parameter needed.

Recall Last Sale 

  • This function is used to easily retrieve the last sale into the shopping cart. The parameter field may be set to a receipt printer number to automatically issue on the given printer a receipt for the sale (or a receipt copy if a receipt has already been printed). A printer number of 0 specifies all enabled receipt printers.

Recall Stored Order by Check# 

  • This function recalls a previously 'stored order' or 'stored order + completed order' for further action via check number. The parameter field could be blank, or set up as described in the followings. 2 optional parameters could be set in the parameter field. The first parameter could be set as a fixed check number or blank. If the first parameter is blank, the operator should input check number in the input line of main screen first, then click this function button to recall orders. If the operator clicks this function button directly without a check number input, a screen will pop-up for the selection of orders. The second parameter should be set as 1 to include both 'stored order' and 'completed order'. If the second parameter is blank, only 'stored order' will be recalled. Example of parameter setting: [ ,1]. The first parameter is blank means the operator should input check number first, then click this function button to recall orders. The second parameter 1 means the search of orders includes both 'stored order' and 'complete order'.

Recall Stored Order by Sequence# 

  • This function recalls a previously 'stored order' or 'stored order + completed order' for further action via sequence number. The parameter field could be blank, or set up as described in the followings. 2 optional parameters could be set in the parameter field. The first parameter could be set as a fixed sequence number or blank. If the first parameter is blank, the operator should input sequence number in the input line of main screen first, then click this function button to recall orders. If the operator clicks this function button directly without a sequence number input, a screen will pop-up for the selection of orders. The second parameter should be set as 1 to include both 'stored order' and 'completed order'. If the second parameter is blank, only 'stored order' will be recalled. Example of parameter setting: [ ,1]. The first parameter is blank means the operator should input sequence number first, then click this function button to recall orders. The second parameter 1 means the search of orders includes both 'stored order' and 'complete order'.

Recall Stored Order by Service Clerk 

  • This function recalls a previously stored order for further action via the user name of service clerk. The parameter field must be empty. If the operator click this function button without the input of user name of service clerk, a screen will pop-up for the selection of stored check.

Recall Stored Order by Table#

  • This function recalls a previously 'stored order' or 'stored order + completed order' for further action via table number. The parameter field could be blank, or set up as described in the followings. 2 optional parameters could be set in the parameter field. The first parameter could be set as a fixed table number or blank. If the first parameter is blank, the operator should input table number in the input line of main screen first, then click this function button to recall orders. If the operator clicks this function button directly without a table number input, a screen will pop-up for the selection of orders. The second parameter should be set as 1 to include both 'stored order' and 'completed order'. If the second parameter is blank, only 'stored order' will be recalled. Example of parameter setting: [5,1]. The first parameter 5 means only orders from table#5 will be recalled. The second parameter 1 means the search of orders includes both 'stored order' and 'complete order'. Another example of parameter setting: [ ,1]. The first parameter is blank means the operator should input table number first, then click this function button to recall orders. The second parameter 1 means the search of orders includes both 'stored order' and 'complete order'.

Recover Network Setting 

  • This function is used to recover from corrupted network settings.

Register Department Sales 

  • This function is used to register a sale department by its department number. The parameter may be set to the department number of the sale department to be registered. If a preset is not programmed, the user will be able to select from a list of sale-able departments.

Register Product Sales 

  • This function is used to register an item by its product number or barcode. The parameter must be set to the product number or the barcode of the item to be registered.

Reset Price Level 

  • This function resets the current price level. If the price level schedule is active, the currently scheduled level is restored. If the price level schedule is not active, or if no schedule has been defined, the price level reverts to the system/user default. No parameter is needed.

Return / Refund 

  • This function registers a return of an item for refund. The parameter field may optionally contain an annotation code to allow user to quickly register the reason for the refund.

Return Item 

  • This function is used to register return of the current item in the shopping cart. The parameter field may optionally contain an annotation code to allow user to quickly register the reason for the return.

Return Item from Order 

  • This function allows the user to select one or more items from a previous order for return. The parameter field should be a comma-separated list of arguments. The first parameter should be an integer indicating the number of digits that must be entered before starting to search orders. The second parameter should be an annotation code indicating the reason for the return. The third parameter should be integer that limits the number of search results shown. All three arguments are optional.

Revalue Now 

  • This function recalculator shopping cart remain subtotal with revalue policy and revalue factor.The parameter field may be empty or set to 1 to auto add subtotal marker.

Rush Item 

  • This function is used to register rush of the current item in the shopping cart. First parameter is annotation code if you want memo (optional).

Sale Product Variation 

  • This function registers the variations for the product with linked variations. The parameter field must be empty. Usage of this function is to click this function button first, and then click the product with linked variations on the menu. A screen will pop-up for the selection of product variations afterward.


  • This function allows operator to read product weight from scale. The parameter field, if set (1 or 2), indicates from which scale to read.

Scroll Backward 

  • This function scrolls the function panel to the previous page

Scroll Cart 

  • This function is used to scroll shopping cart or to go to a specific row. The parameter field must be set to a number. If a '+' or '-' preceeds the number, the number indicates the number of rows to scroll forward (+) or backward (-). Otherwise, the number indicates the row to scroll to.

Scroll Forward 

  • This function scrolls the function panel to the next page

Set Destination 

  • This function sets the destination indicator to the status given by the parameter. The parameter field should be set to a defined destination name.

Set Price Level 1 

  • This function sets the current price level to 1. The parameter must be 1.

Set Price Level 2 

  • This function sets the current price level to 2. The parameter must be 2.

Set Price Level 3 

  • This function sets the current price level to 3. The parameter must be 3.

Set Price Level 4 

  • This function sets the current price level to 4. The parameter must be 4.

Set Price Level 5 

  • This function sets the current price level to 5. The parameter must be 5.

Set Price Level 6 

  • This function sets the current price level to 6. The parameter must be 6.

Set Price Level 7

  • This function sets the current price level to 7. The parameter must be 7.

Set Price Level 8 

  • This function sets the current price level to 8. The parameter must be 8.

Set Price Level 9 

  • This function sets the current price level to 9. The parameter must be 9.

Set Seat Number 

  • This function assigns a seat number to a selected item in shopping cart. The parameter field may be empty or be set a preset seat number. If the parameter field is empty, the seat number is read from the input line.

Shift Change / End Sale Period 

  • This function is used to initiate shift change or end sale of current sale period. No parameter is needed.

Shift Price Level 

  • This function shifts the current price level up by 1. No parameter is needed.

Shift Tax 

  • This function shifts current item's tax status. The parameter field can be used to program a specific tax status. If a preset tax status is programmed, this function changes the current item to the preset tax status; otherwise, it shifts the item to the next tax status.

Show Payment Detail 

  • This function displays the detail of current registered payment. No parameter is needed.

Shutdown Terminal 

  • This function shuts down the terminal. No parameter needed.

Sign Off 

  • This function signs off the current operator. No parameter is needed.

Silent User Switch 

  • This function allows a silent switch to the user specified in the paramter field using password from the input buffer. The parameter field must be set to the username of the user to switch to.

Simple Web Browser 

  • This function is used to launch a web browser window to navigate a given homepage url in parameter field. Example of parameter field: http://www.google.com|NEPF ; in which 'N' means to show buttons of Home / Back / Next / Refresh on browser screen ; 'E' means to show icons of Exit and Virtual Keyboard on browser screen ; 'P' means to show status bar on browser screen ; 'F' means to extend the browser to full-screen.

Split Cart Entry 

  • This function is used to split a cart entry for multiple units of a product into two cart entries. The parameter field may be set to a number indicating the number of units of the product to be split into the new cart entry. If the parameter is not given, one unit of the product will be split out of the original cart entry.

Split Payment 

  • This function allows operator to split payment of current order in shopping cart.

Split Stored Check 

  • This function allows operator to split check in a previously stored check. The operator should recall a previously stored check first, then click this funcion button, a screen of split check function will pop-up. The parameter field must be empty.

Stock Adjustment 

  • By using this function, the quantity of stock can be adjusted. Meanwhile, a memo of the adjustment can be recorded.

Store Order 

  • This function stores the current order and issues the appropriate receipts / checks. The parameter field must be empty.


  • This function registers a subtotal. The parameter field must not be altered.

Surcharge Amount (+) 

  • This function registers an addition of surcharge by fixed amount. The parameter field can be used to program a preset addition amount and label (separated by comma.) If no preset amount is programmed, the amount is read from the input line.

Surcharge Percentage (+%) 

  • This function registers a percentage-based surcharge. The parameter field can take up to 5 optional, comma-delimited parameters. The first parameter is used to program a preset percentage; the second parameter provides a label for the surcharge; set the third parameter to 1 to exclude condiments from the surcharge; set the fourth parameter to 1 to exclude non-surchargeable items from subtotal surcharge; and set the fifth parameter to 1 to compute surcharge amount based on balance before payments are applied.

Switch Display Language 

  • This function allows users to quickly switch the display language on cashier screen. The parameter field must be empty. Before setting up this function button, users should add new alternative display languages (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, French... etc.) in the tab of 'Alternative Display Lauguage' in 'Language and Keyboard Mapping' setting. Next, based on users' requirements, users should input proper characters to the field of 'Alternative Display Language' in each Department, Product Group, Product, Condiment, and each function button. Once above settings completed, users may quickly switch the display language on cashier screen by clicking this function button.

Tag Item 

  • This function tags the current cart item with the tag given by the parameter. The parameter field must not be empty. This function can be used, for example, to Enable / Disable label printing of selected individual item.

Training Mode 

  • This function is used to launch the training mode.

Transfer Table 

  • This function allows operator to change the table number in a previously stored check. The operator should recall a previously stored check first, then input a new table number and click this funcion button. If the operator does not input a new table number, a screen of table map will pop-up for table selection. The parameter field must be empty.

Tray Marker 

  • This function registers a tray marker. The parameter field must not be altered.

Truncate Transaction Records 

  • This function removes all transactional records from the terminal. This feature should be used with extreme care, and it is strongly recommeded that the system be backed up before truncating transaction records. No parameter is needed.

View Member Orders 

  • This function is used to search for and view customer orders. No parameter is required.

View Orders 

  • This function allows the operator to quickly browse and view orders. The parameter may be used to indicate the search criteria. Valid values are 'sequence' for sequence number, 'table' for table number, and 'check' for check number. Default is 'sequence'.

View Queue / View All Queues 

  • This function allows the operator to recall / view queued orders. No parameter is needed. If the operator has the role of ' Function - View All Queues ' , this operator is allowed to recall / view all queue orders that stored by other operators.

Virtual Keyboard On / Off 

  • This function allows the operator to show / hide the virtual keyboard. No parameter is needed.

Void Item 

  • This function voids a registered item in an open order. No parameter is needed.

Void Sale 

  • This function voids the 'stored order' or 'completed order' which is recalled to shopping cart. The parameter field may be blank, or, set as follows: [1,cash,0]. The first parameter 1 means the original payment amount and payment type will be automatically brought to the refund screen for further refund process. If the first parameter is set as 0 or blank, users will need to manually input refund payment amount and manually select refund payment type. The second parameter 'cash' means the refund payment amount, which is automatically brought to the refund screen, is forced to be in cash payement type only, no other payment type allowed. The third parameter 0 means a message will pop-up to ask operator to confirm if all items in original order should be automatically brought to an new order after the original order vioded. If the third parameter is set as 1, all items in original order will be brought to an new order without pop-up message. If the third parameter is set as 2, there will be no pop-up message and new order will be empty.

X (Multiplier) 

  • This function sets the quantity to the value entered on the input line. The parameter field must not be altered.